Monday, January 24, 2011

I Think


What you think you are is what you are. Think you're tired? Think you're poor? Think your depressed? Think your overweight? Guess what? You are tired, poor, depressed and overweight. Bummer, huh?

1. Create a mantra. "I AM ____________".
Repeat it to yourself-often! It should be your waking thought and repeated all day
2. Visualise that mantra. visualise yourself BEING what you ARE. Visualise it to the point
that you FEEL, that you EXPERIENCE the EMOTION you'll feel when it IS.

Don't worry about the how, dont make plans on how to get there, dont set goals. Just THINK an FEEL and ACT AS IF you are what you want to be. This is especially powerful if you remember to do this when you feel your energy is low(feeling sad, angry, tired, anxious).

No need to start with something small. Think BIG. But shoose just one thing. commit to making it your focus this week. If you'd like to share your committment and your amazing synchronistic experiences that begin to manifest in your life, I'd love to hear them.

I PROMISE you that if your mind is right(that you are focusing on HAVING/BEING and noe LACKING/WISHING FOR), it will BE! I've done it numerous times in my life, and changed a whole lot of things. My personal mantra this week is "I am rich". One of my visualizations is cash falling from the sky into my lap(as I am not trying to figure out how to get it, I'll leave that up to the Higher Power).

Love and Light,

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